
corn beef 咸牛肉。

corn belt

Monday . chicken . tues , macaroni salad . wed , baked corn beef hash . fri , shredded lettuce . anyway , it was high on the hog while it lasted 星期一,吃雞。星期二,吃通心面加色拉。星期三,吃燒腌肉丁。星期五,吃萵苴片。反正那一段時間吃得很好。

Offers a line of wet corned beef , sausage , cooked corned beef , pastrami , roast beef , pre - cooked meats and home meal replacements -提供相關肉類行業咨詢和肉類制品相關技術轉讓,進行iso qs haccp等相關認證咨詢。

There s hair , joe , says i . get a queer old tailend of corned beef off of that one , what “瞧那頭發348 ,喬, ”我說, “從那罐頭咸牛肉上弄下一截怪味兒的老尾巴尖兒,對不? ”

There ' s enough corned beef to go round , but you ' ll have to double up on the baked beans 有足夠的腌牛肉可以每人分一份,但是烤豆你們只好兩個人合吃一份了。

Canned corned beef 罐裝咸牛肉

Corned beef hash 咸牛肉馬鈴薯泥

Stop masturbating in the tub . thanks for making corn beef hash , 明明知道衷心一吻會有更親厚質感

I can whip up a iittle corned beef hash for brunch 明天早午餐我會很快弄好一份咸味大雜燴

The curing process is the same as that for corned beef 干腌牛肉的過程與鹽腌牛肉的一樣。